What you can do…

It’s okay to ask more questions and it’s okay to say no. If you are concerned about the impact of aerial spraying on the environment and public health in Cranbrook, now is the time to speak up.

  1. Send an email. Instructions below.

  2. Sign a petition here.

  3. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram.

  4. Sign up for our Newsletter below.

  5. Spread the word! Share, share, share.

Email Instructions…

4 Step Instructions: This Notice of Chemical Trespass can be filled out and sent to those participating in the aerial spray program. Don’t forget to include your name, address and phone number so they know emails are coming from real people. You can also visit the local office of the Ministry of Forests at 1902 Theatre Rd, Cranbrook, BC to hand deliver this document (keep a copy). 

1. Click on, print, and fill out the Notice of Chemical Trespass with your complete address, printed name, and signature.

Notice of Chemical Trespass

2. Attach and Email

Email the notice to the Deputy Minister of Forests, Twin Aviation Inc (the spray plane company), BC Attorney General, and Call to Action Cranbrook. Copy to your "To" line:

bruce.ralston.MLA@leg.bc.ca, david_sproule@bcit.ca, niki.sharma.MLA@leg.bc.ca, calltoactioncranbrook@gmail.com

3. Use the following subject line

Notice of Chemical Trespass

4. Copy and paste the following email body


The Ministry of Forests is planning a series of aerial insecticide sprays over the community of Cranbrook, BC this Spring. As of today, the first application is scheduled for June 2 and 3, 2024 but is subject to change. Attached is a notice of chemical trespass. I do not consent to this application over my private property and will pursue legal action if this application to my property occurs. This product does come with risks that I do not consent to.


your full name and address.