Updates and News…

Update June 10, 2024 - June 10 treatment has been postponed to June 11 (subject to change).


Update June 6, 2024 - The West Kelowna Branch of the Kelowna Citizens Safety Association (WKB/KCSA) and the Call To Action Cranbrook group have filed a complaint with the WorkSafeBC Board of Directors. This complaint is regarding violations of the Workers Compensation Act and the WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OHSR)  due to non-compliance with OHSR pesticide regulations regarding the June 2, 2024 aerial application of Foray 48B. Read the open letter here.  


Update May 31, 2024 - Kelowna Citizens Safety Association and Call to Action Cranbrook have sent open letters to Interior Health and the Premier. Read them here… Open Letter to Interior Health and Open Letter to the Premier.


Update May 30, 2024 - Despite public concern and several date changes, the Ministry of Forests has currently scheduled the first of three sets of Spongy Moth aerial sprays for June 2 and 3 (subject to change). This date selection is particularly alarming as the community is actively participating in GoByBike Week (June 3-9). This event encourages residents to bike to work, school, and throughout the community with safety in mind. Promoting safety while potentially exposing cyclists to aerial spraying is contradictory, given the potential harm posed by the bacterial pesticide to unsuspecting cyclists. Should an aerial spray occur during this treasured annual event? Read the full story here in our News Release.


Update May 22, 2024 - What is your plan to prepare for aerial spray over your home or business? See our “Precautions” page.


Update May 22, 2024 - Cranbrook’s spray date has changed from May 20/21, to May 22/23, to May 23/24, most recently to May 25/26. Please continue to check the Ministry of Forest website for date changes. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/forest-health/invasive-forest-pests/spongy-moth/news


Update April 26, 2024 - The provincial cabinet has approved the "Spongy Moth Eradication Regulation" authorizing the treatment. Dates have been posted. Link to date schedule here. * Please note that the first spray dates for Cranbrook have been changed to May 20 and 21, 2024 but continue to check the Ministry’s webpage as dates may change due to weather. The initial spray date is usually followed by a second and third set of sprays each approximately 7 days apart. Many people in our community still do not know about this aerial spray. Continue to share the information, develop a plan for your family (stay indoors during the spray or leave town), and watch for updates from us. More call to actions are planned.


Update April 19, 2024 - Weekly Tuesday 7:30 p.m. zoom Foray 48B spray info sessions available for the public. Hosted by BC Rising. Hear from researchers, scientists, and medical professionals. Q&A offered for the public to ask questions. Date: Each Tuesday starting April 23, 2024. Time: 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. MDT, including Q&A. Links to register below.

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEudeqppzopH9xEKRg5AK1RATYhy91COpDW




Update April 19, 2024 - Locally, Cranbrook’s Action for Canada group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 23 at 6:00pm at Smitty’s Restaurant to discuss proposed aerial spray in Cranbrook.


Update April 19, 2024 - Kelowna has had an explosion of media coverage about citizen’s concerns with aerial insecticide spraying. Kelowna Now, Global News, Castanet, Kelowna Daily Courier.


Update April 15, 2024 - Legal action has been taken on behalf of all 13 BC communities proposed for treatment. A formal appeal and an application for a stay (delay) of the spraying was submitted covering all spray zones.


Update March 16, 2024 - CBC did a radio interview with Call to Action Cranbrook, Citizens United for Clean Air, and the Ministry of Forests. It's about 40:44 into the show. Here is the link.